Summertime Learning: Preparing For Second Grade Spanish Backpack

  • $49.99
  • SKU: BSE51694
  • 2nd Grade
  • In Stock

Prevent summer learning loss and prepare students for the next grade with this lightweight, water-resistant backpack. The books and activities keep kids excited about learning and promote parental involvement.

Backpack Includes:

  • El Aprendizaje en el verano: Prepare a su hijo/a pare el segundo grado (Summertime Learning: Preparing for 2nd Grade )*
  • Tu Conexión Casa/Escuela: Guía para padres (Connecting Home and School: A Parent Guide)
  • Ready-Set-Learn: Time
  • La patita dorada y los tres castores
  • ¿Que hay en el menu de la cadena alimenticia?
  • Encouraging Stars Stickers

Summertime Learning is correlated to the Common Core State Standards.

*Backpack color/style may vary. Reader titles may vary.

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